News + Events

  1. MMH
    September 11, 2023

    Melissa McHale

    Dr. Melissa McHale is an urban ecologist whose internationally recognized work mobilizes urban theory and practical science for decision-making in cities.

  2. KW
    September 11, 2023

    Trainee: Katherine White

    Katherine is a third-year PhD student in the School of Population and Public Health exploring heat exposure and social isolation in older adults.

  3. Martino Tran
    August 18, 2023

    Martino Tran

    Martino is Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair (T2) in Computational Urban Science and Planning. He is PI of the Urban Predictive Analytics Lab.

  4. Shuoqi Ren
    August 18, 2023

    Trainee: Shuoqi Ren

    Shuoqi is a second-year MSc student and an incoming Ph.D. student in the Lab for Environmental Assessment and Policy at UBC, supervised by Dr. Amanda Giang.

  5. gcrc
    March 31, 2023

    Awarded: GCRC Funding Renewal 2023-2024

    We are very pleased to announce that the Climate Change HEAL cluster was awarded another year of funding by the Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters (GCRC). The awards were created jointly by the Offices of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation and the Provost & Vice-President,…

  6. October 18, 2022

    Convening and Collaborating Award

    Congratulations to Kiffer Card on being awarded a Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening and Collaborating Award, titled: Undertaking the co-design of climate distress services for young people in British Columbia

  7. October 7, 2022

    Opportunity - Graduate Student Network Coordinator

    Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and Resilence (HEAL) Research Excellence Cluster  Graduate Student Network Coordinator  Time: 7.5 hrs per week (0.2 FTE)  Compensation: $30/hour   Duration: 6 months (Nov 1 2022 to April 30 2023)  Closing date:…

  8. greenspace
    October 7, 2022

    Greenspace Symposium

    On August 10, 2022 Drs. Nesbitt and Brauer held a Greenspace Symposium for trainees.  Presentations: Michael Brauer: Greenspace and health across the lifecycle Katherine White: Examining greenspace metric and measurement method application in Metro Vancouver  Lorien Nesbitt:…

  9. August 11, 2022

    Workshop - July 15

    On Friday July 15th, 2022 the Climate Change HEAL cluster hosted it's first ever workshop. It was held at the Robert Lee Family Boardroom in the Alumni Centre at UBC Vancouver Campus, we were very excited to meet one another in person for the first time. Eighteen members and stakeholders were at…

  10. August 11, 2022

    Global News

    Dr. Carlsten contributed to a Global News piece on August 9th, 2022: Keeping cool: The need to adapt to a new climate reality on Canada’s West Coast discussing issues of inequality and vulnerability in relationship to increased heat exposure events in Vancouver.   

  11. August 11, 2022

    Globe & Mail Opinion

    Drs. Brauer, Carlsten, McHale, Nesbitt, and Rysanek authored an Opinion piece in the Globe & Mail on July 27th, 2022, Vancouver’s move to mandate mechanical air cooling in all new multifamily homes is misguided outlining the need to consider adaptive practices that support more climate…

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